Why we need a “wildlife ban” in China?


In response to COVID-19 control and prevention, China issued a legal decision to ban wildlife consumption for food in Feb 2020. With the subsequent changes in legal and management system after the Decision, no wild-caught terrestrial animals could be consumed as food and only 12 wild species with mature farming techniques and low health risks are allowed to farm for food. Heated debates about bans on bushmeat or wildlife trade exist in the conservation community. The opponents of bans argue that well-regulated trade could promote sustainable wildlife use, especially for benefits of local communities, and at the same time alleviate the pressure on wild populations. In this talk, Dr. Li will introduce the China wildlife management system, its advantages and disadvantages. Through the analysis of the system and issued license for wildlife farming in recent years, outdated protected species lists, insufficient cross-sector collaboration and the lack of quarantine standards for wildlife are identified as loopholes which made the Decision a timely measure to prevent future outbreak of zoonotic diseases considering the current dysfunctional management system. To sustain the efficacy of the ban, Dr. Li will also introduce several recommendations.

Speaker: Dr. Binbin Li

Affiliation: Duke Kunshan University

Time: Apr. 27,2021

Venue: The Conference Hall in Xishuangbanna Headquarter

The 101 meeting room in Kunming Division (video conference)

Link链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iCb-w0XLxcpBWsF6ddRsSg 提取码: pdb7

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