Currently, many systems in the earth’s climate are approaching critical tipping points that frighten us. Once certain thresholds are passed, it is unclear how ecological systems can return to stable norms. Impacts from climate change will arrive in a variety of forms. However, changes also bring tremendous new opportunities. As climatic conditions shift and the world gradually warms, areas previously unsuitable for crop plantations will be opened up to new forms of sustainable agriculture. Studies on crop-climate relations will play a pivotal role in developing mitigation and adaptation policies relevant at both regional and local levels. These studies are considerably complex, requiring consistent spatial data to project into future scenarios. Quantitative data processing can help us understand bioclimatic shifts and their impacts on characteristic regional crops, explore new planting opportunities and identify climatic factors posing the most significant risk to crop success. There is no guarantee that reality will unfold in agreement with computer models, however. To strengthen our overall resilience, we must systematically anticipate shifts in regional climate patterns and make necessary preparations. Climate change engulfs us all—even those in less fragile ecosystems will suffer its consequences, particularly in mountain communities worldwide. In order to enhance the adaptive capacities of these regions and beyond, science must figure prominently in policy formulation and implementation. The presentation offers data about optimal agriculture scenarios awaiting Yunnan Province, functioning as a roadmap for effective human action. The time to act is now.
Speaker: Dr. Sailesh Ranjitkar
Affiliation: Lumbini Buddhist University, Nepal
Time: Aug. 17, 2021
Venue: 瞩目会议平台 会议 ID:135 871 8714 会议密码 PWD:666666
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会议密码 PWD:666666
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