Peer review from an early career scientist’s perspective


There is an enormous information in an outcome from a scientific manuscript submission. Yet, there all categorized in one of these categories: “Rejection, Major revision, Minor revision, Acceptance letter”. How does one navigate the wide range of this outcome? As a gift in response to the celebration of “Teacher’s day”, I will navigate each category of these letters, guide students and early career on how to deal with any of this category but most importantly use my own experience to provide some tips. This seminar targets students an early career if you feel you dislike receiving rejection, major revision then join us in this seminar.

Speaker: Dr. Gbadamassi G. O. Dossa

Affiliation: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Time: 4:30 PM, Tuesday, Sep. 12, 2023

Venue: ZOOM 会议平台 会议 ID:312 430 8960 会议密码 PWD:666666 

会议 ID:312 430 8960
会议密码 PWD:666666

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