Invasion and adaption of pinewood nematode


Her research focuses on the effects of interspecific communication between pinewood nematode, its insect vector, and associated fungi on the successful invasiveness through chemical ecology and molecular techniques. She found that native vector beetle “Monochamus alternatus”release the interspecific chemical signals to induce the formation of dispersal forth stage of PWN, and proposed “Native associated microbes” benefiting hypothesis for the special and novel species of symbionts in invasive regions, which facilitating the propagation and dispersal of PWN. The developed novel sampling method of PWN has been popularized. These results were published in the high-profile journals such as Nature communication, Current Biology, Ecology, Trends in Parasitology and so on.

Speaker: Dr. Zhao Lilin

Affiliation: Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science

Time: Jan. 18, 2022

Venue: 瞩目会议平台 会议 ID:135 871 8714  会议密码 PWD:666666 

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