Designing an exhibition space on the lianas diversity in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden


The vine garden may have been one of the original gardens imagined by Professor Cai Xi Tao, the founder of XTBG. His broad interests brought him into contact with Nyctocalos pinnatum a native climber part of the tropical family Bignoniaceae also known for its colourful and spectacular bloom. The vine garden was however one of the latest gardens to be designed and built, and now displays more than 500 vine species into a unique plan showcasing the diversity of climbing plants in southern tropical China. Built on the previous residential complex of XTBG, the 15-ha garden still has a small building that could be used to display key information and research about lianas and vines.

788 climbing species including 585 woody lianas have been recorded in Xishuangbanna, representing 20 % of all the angiosperms found in the same area. The high proportion of vine species is typical of the tropical monsoon forests of SE Asia and several tropical families also contain the majority of those climbing species: Apocynaceae, Fabaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Vitaceae, Convolvulaceae, Rubiaceae, Menispermaceae and Dioscoreaceae.  XTBG research has shown the fundamental role played by vines within the rainforest and the ubiquitous presence of some genera which are predominantly climbers such as Combretum

The exhibition space is an opportunity to showcase this work as well as raising awareness of the role and value of climbers. Several aspects are proposed and shown here, including:

  1. The vines, lianas, and climbers’ habit:  twinning and water transport.
  2. Diversity of vines: DNA barcoding for the help of lianas identification and study.
  3. Ecology of vine: the rarity and invasiveness paradox.
  4. XTBG history with vines and past research: useful species and natural products.
  5. Stories of vines: interaction with their environment and ecological balance.

     Walking in a rainforest can gave you a sense of overwhelming loss when trying to comprehend the diversity and identify organisms. Vines represent the epitome of the fine balance that exist between them and the rest of the forest’s organisms and environment. We hope this presentation will open eyes on the lianas’ world and initiate discussion and suggestions for this exhibition design.

Speaker: Landrein Sven

Affiliation: XTBG

Time: 4:30 PM, Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2022

Venue: 瞩目会议平台 会议 ID:1000451372 会议密码 PWD:666666 

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