Techniques in nematology, morphology, parasitism and role in agriculture


Nematoda is the phylum of the Kingdom Animalia that includes roundworms. General nematodes are lower invertebrates having slender cylindrical, bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented bodies taping at both ends but females of some species of plant parasitic nematodes assumes varying size and shapes e.g., kidney shape, lemon shape and pear shaped. Although only around 30,000 species have been documented so far, it is predicted that there are at least a million different nematode species in existence today. Nematodes are broadly categorized into animal parasites, plant parasites, and free living. The Nematodes are harmful for the crops as well as the animals but the entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are play the positive significant role to control the pest of the crops that reduce the huge losses our crops. The knowledge of nematodes are given us the protection against diseases and how to raise the soil fertility by the help of the nematodes. So the Nematodes are the best cure of the crop pest.

Speaker: Dr. Sagir Hussain

Affiliation: Northeast Normal University

Time: 4:30 PM, Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024

Venue: Tencent Meeting   ID:823-833-779

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