More synoptics, less large-scale impact? Drivers of atmospherically driven moisture sources impacting high mountain forest & shrub ecosystems


The use of d18O in tree-ring based research (d18OTRC) has become a common tool to address (dendro)ecological and (dendro)climatological research questions. Still, most studies investigate the influence of mainly pure climate data originating from monthly or seasonally resoluted climate parameters on the respective annual variations of d18OTRC. Especially in paleoclimatological orientated studies, the impact of large-scale atmospheric patterns is of utmost interest, while additionally large-scale climate indices like ENSO are often taken into consideration to investigate long-term climate variability. From a more meso-climate orientated focus and in addressing more site-specific synoptical characteristics, this does often not fit the “truth” of local climate conditions being highly variable in space, time and in the frequencies of specific weather patterns. This talk introduces in ongoing studies in southern South America and the Himalaya focusing more on the synoptical background of local climate conditions and how well d18OTRC can record changing intensities and frequencies of meso-scale weather conditions.

Speaker: Prof. Jussi Grießinger

Affiliation: Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria

Time: 4:30 PM, Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2024

Venue: Tencent Meeting   ID:823-833-779

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